Mani' Dineo translation: She wants to be seen (attention seeker) she thinks she is better than all of us
Bhut' Tebza translation : He is the dancer and he doesnt have issues with anyone in the family he is also loved by the children they even call him the cool uncle
Aus' Lerato Translation : She holds the keys to the room that has alcohol. She is always fighting or arguing with Rakgadi (the aunt) because she is too generous when giving people  the alcohol 
Sorhulu (uncle) Translation: We are all afraid of him, some people dont like him because he is too strict he ruins the fun in every ceremony 

uRhari (aunt) : She doesnt want to see anyone being hungry and she always asks if anyone has eaten yet
Malome Tshepo (uncle): He arrives before everyone at the ceremony. He is the one responsible for slaughtering the livestock
u'baba (the father) : he is the host of the ceremony, he isnt stingy with food nor alcohol. He wants to see his guests happy.
Rakgadi Joyce (aunt): she likes to cause unnecessary fights. The ceremony turns into Rea tsotella because of her.  ( Rea tsotella is a  confrontational conflict resolution reality talk show on dstv channel Moja Love )
King Korn Campaign


King Korn Campaign
